F.A. Day Middle School PTO
21 Minot Place Newtonville MA 02460 | Main Office: (617) 559-9100
(Click here for F.A. Day Newton Public Schools site)
The Day Book Fair
The Day Book Fair runs each year for one week in May and while it does raise money for the PTO, it is primarily a great opportunity to promote reading for pleasure to all three grades in the school. Mr. Meyer, the wonderful F. A. Day librarian, not only makes room in the library for the book fair, but also sets up a schedule so that every English class is able to come to the book fair and browse books with their teacher. Most of the work of running the Book Fair happens in May when parent volunteers sign up to cover shifts and the Book Fair is delivered, set-up, and later packed up. As Book Fair Chair I make the arrangements with our vendor, Bookfairs by Bookends, staff the Fair, and train parent volunteers. Working at the Book Fair I get to see what books middle school students are reading and talking about.